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I'm Erica, the owner and designer behind The Sticker Party!


A bit of background about myself... I'm a self-taught graphic artist. I've been interested in graphic design since the young age of 11, ever since my dad got Photoshop on our family desktop. I've always loved putting images together and playing with graphic settings - I was putting filters on photos since before Instagram! 

Fast-forward to my senior year of high school. I took a media class for my elective which really cemented my love of graphic design. I had my peers coming to me for help with their Photoshop projects, and that's when I knew this would somehow become part of my longterm career path. I was also the editor-in-chief of my high school paper, and while I loved writing as well, my favourite part was using Microsoft Publisher to put together each page. 

I then studied Communications at Concordia University in Montreal. Media, in all aspects, is my favourite topic, so this was a natural choice for me. I took an Adobe Illustrator class in university which offered a foundation for me to begin learning about illustration - the building blocks of the TSP doodles you know and love today!

During university, I took a job as a marketing coordinator at a non-profit organization. There, I learned so much about branding and specifically, print design. I quickly realized, however, that I wanted my designs to reflect what I love.

The Sticker Party has been a blessing in my life because I get the opportunity to create beautiful things based on my own tastes and whims. I'm so thankful for the customers who have stuck with me along the way. TSP actually started out as "Abundance of Erica" - my old blog! - and admittedly, my designs and products were *not* amazing at the beginning. Yet, I have loyal customers who believed in me & my vision and still shop with me today, nearly 10 years later!

What's next for The Sticker Party? Well, I hope I can continue creating awesome planner products for you, and maybe even branch out into other products. Thank you so much for shopping TSP!

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